Fishing Trips

A full day of education and excitement

Fishing - its fun and educational too

The adage “give a man a fish and he will feed his family once; give him a fishing rod and he will feed his family continuously” is true.  But we amended it from man to child.  RHF has fishing trips set up to provide both a fun and learning experience for middle and high school age children who, otherwise, would never get the experience.

Hands on Learning

Our concept is to take kids fishing on both ocean trips and lake/lagoon excursions.  Each trip will be hands-on learning with experienced mates and captains explaining the “how to” side of fishing, from teaching how to use a rod and reel to how to clean the catch.

On return the fun begins.  Weigh-in gives the kids an opportunity to show off the catch and get their picture taken, with the biggest catch getting the “bragging rights” for the day’s event.

BBQ and Awards Ceremony

Now it’s picnic time when the kids get to relax over a bbq lunch and mingle with the crews. Good food, fun time, with an awards ceremony for the 3 biggest fish, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Finally, after 5 hours of fishing and a couple of hours picnicking, it’s time to return home for a well-deserved rest and to dream about the next time.   

If you are interested in helping with our Fishing Trips Please let us know below